Päiväkirja - Ruhu, 30 elo 13

As great as Weds was, Thurs certainly had its moments!

Oldest woke up with pink eye -- who knew 23 year olds still got it! So, had to change my plans, cancel my health coach call & take him to the walk-in. of course this also meant no school for him, so not the fresh start I was hoping for!

Then, had to call Sony about youngest's computer which hasn't worked properly & we've been calling about since 8/9. I was again on the phone with them for 1 & 1/2 hours. Between the 2 of us, we've called them probably 6 times & spent over 20 hours on calls. They first thought it was a hardware issue but when the technician came to the house, he couldn't fix it. Now they have engineers working on it, but even though we were promised it would be resolved last Fri, no one called us with an update. I was so mad as he needs it for school that I gave them a piece of my mind. It's been such a frustrating process getting passed between customer relations, tech support, engineering, etc., but after demanding a solution, replacement or refund, I'm finally to someone who is responding. I'll keep you posted & try not to blow a casket over it :)! I honestly though will never buy another Sony product!

And finally, DH is up to his usual game of wanting to socialize all of the holiday weekend. This time he invited friends to our lake cottage on Sun without even running it by me first. When I called him on it, he said it was just for the guys. But his email said families welcome. So, the replies started coming in with 2 families asking if I was coming. I was menopausal, sassy me though & told him probably not as I've too much on my plate before we leave on the bike trip on Thurs. We were out last night at friends for dinner after biking with them. We're having dinner with his Mom on Sat night. And, we're going to the US Open on Monday :) with his client & wife. Thats more than enough for me plus the stack of bookkeeping work I keep not getting to & the trip planning, packing, etc.

Well, enough of a rant already! Today, I'm playing tennis this morning & then attacking that stack. I am loving have DS home & even though he's abiding by the house rules and doing his share, having him around is different -- he talks to me!... which i love, but I never seem to get anything done! So, before he gets up & my day really starts, I'll pray --

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

And again today, I'll pray, breathe, log, journal & express through this one day, meal, moment, bite & emotion. I'm so grateful for each of you, my family & IRL friends, having my oldest home even with all the talking :) & distractions and having the health & wealth to live this life I love! xoxox


Oh boy, here you go again. Your DH is really a social butterfly. Guess he didn't get the message last time. Hope your son is better quickly. And yes, Sony support sucks. If you have to buy another, buy an Apple. It's worth the money. And the kids can take it to any Apple store, regardless of where they're living. Try to have a great day, Ruth. 
30 elo 13 jäseneltä: Helewis
Hi Ruth, I missed your journal yesterday. Life continues to be challenging, hang in there. I am glad you told DH that you weren't joining im at the lakehouse. I would have blown a gasket too if my DH had planned something without running it by me. He knows better :) And I'm surprised yours hasn't got the message yet. Can't believe you are leaving for Italy so soon. Wow, it will be here before you know it :) 
30 elo 13 jäseneltä: sarahsmum
Heather, you are so right! I have all Apple products & have been so pleased with their support, but the boys tell me they need PCs for school work? And Is, yes, I couldn't be any clearer with my DH but he just doesn't get it! Oh well, he'll be entertaining there on his own while I take some much needed "me time"! xoxox 
30 elo 13 jäseneltä: Ruhu
OMG Angel... you need to hire your DH a social secretary so you can just show up and enjoy too! What a ... well, I'm sure I can't type anything here that you haven't thought or FS wouldn't edit, LOL. And yes, I got pink eye when I was in my late 40's so go figure. Wait.. maybe that was a sty. Are those the same thing? 
30 elo 13 jäseneltä: FullaBella
Bella's right about DH's social secretary (cook and chief bottle washer). BTW, you can still run Windows on Apple. We're an Apple shop and I can't get away with not running Windows, so if by PC, the boys mean Windows, that's still doable.  
30 elo 13 jäseneltä: Helewis


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