Päiväkirja - Ruhu, 11 marras 14

Can't believe I'm at the other end of my trip, back at the airport and heading home. After a tough to travel day here (flight was eventually canceled and I had to rush from LGA to JFK to catch their next flight, which was then delayed, but did eventually go... So instead of arriving in Cincy last Thurs at 3:30, I got in a 8!), the trip went really well but busy and exhausting every day. I was so pleased to see though that my mom is adjusting well to her new apartment, even as the alzheimers has so obviously progressed. She sleeps much of the day now, and is much quieter in general and less social, but went out with me each day, goes to her meals and still seems to enjoy happy hour as well as playing cards with me and my aunt. She has her good & bad days, and contrary to most Alzheimer's patients, her best time of day is late afternoon and evening. She wakes quiet confused and is slow to get going, but I was able to get her out this morning for a late breakfast before I headed to the airport. It was sad to say goodbye, so I had a good cry after she was safely back in her room, but I'm feeling ok again and have been eating and feeling well here. I had a good time at the wedding and with my friends here, got my hands on the sweet baby (my goddaughter's precious daughter), and took my mom to see my aunts and cousins. So, it was an all around really great visit with many more good memories made, and I'm thrilled that even through the trials of travel here and stresses with my mom, I've not succumbed to the overeating of my past. I am really hoping and working toward this being a good travel day home too and have my meals planned as well as my re-entry to,life in CT. DH is hoping to pick me up at the airport, unless something unforeseen comes up at work, which will be nice if it works out. And DS will be home when I get there.

Hope my buddies here have been doing well, and to catch up on your journals soon! Even in the busyness of getting moms new apartment all set up (I feel good that I left it in really good shape for her), you all were never far from my thoughts and daily prayer for serenity. I'm not sure if I mentioned that I'd recently read a book called Speaking Alzheimers. Between it, my health coach and the staff at my moms facility, I'm getiing much better and feeling much better about how I connect with mom. We all are working together to make her as successful as we can with as much independence as possible. And that's making me feel really good even in saying goodbye, knowing it's only goodbye for now as I'll be back in Jan.

But also for now, I'd better get on my way but not before again praying for serenity. Once again, I'll continue through this one day and each one meal, moment, bite, thought and emotion, to pray, breathe, journal, stay curious and express my way. I am so grateful for each of you and our wonderful place here of FS, my family & IRL friends, having had an awesome visit with my mom and family and friends in Cincy, and going home to the health & wealth that lets me live the life I love! Xoxox

7 Kannattajaa    Kannatus   

11 marras 14 jäseneltä: SherrieC
Hugs to you and glad to see you're trip there and back was safe. 
11 marras 14 jäseneltä: ClassicRocker
Glad that everything is working out for you and your Mother. Hugs! 
11 marras 14 jäseneltä: C67241
Happy it all worked out and you will be home safely!  
11 marras 14 jäseneltä: HCB
Aww, so sad watching your mom progress with the Alzheimers, glad you are coping with it the best you can, and succeeding . My mom didn't have Alzheimers but mental deterioration due to chemical blood changes due to liver CA. I do understand how hard it is, , though mom's was quicker.  
11 marras 14 jäseneltä: wholefoodnut
Welcome home (by now) Angel - reads as if you had a very productive trip and handled the travels sanely. 
12 marras 14 jäseneltä: FullaBella


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