Päiväkirja - Deb_N, 08 helmi 15

Hello, everyone! I've been trying a new experiment on my meal planning. Most recently, I stopped eating three meals a day and made it two meals a day. That way I have a long period of time where I don't have to think about food! I added my after breakfast snack of fruit to my breakfast. After breakfast is over, I start drinking my cup of coffee and planning my dinner. I measure or weigh everything I am going to eat and write it down so I can log it at my armband website. In the past I have written down what I eat here at FatSecret, so if anyone wants they can look at my Diet Calendar by clicking on the link in my profile. It is just simple foods that I eat. I put my prepared dinner foods in the refrigerator and then I don't think about food for the rest of the day! I just finish my cup of coffee and drink two or three cups of tea in the afternoon. At dinner time I heat up the things that need to be warm and then eat my meal. My dinner fills me up and I have no problem with wanting to overeat. If I get a spur of the moment invitation to go out to dinner, I go ahead and go out, and the food that I prepared can be eaten the next day. If you don't have time to prepare your meal after breakfast, you could prepare it the night before. Take care of yourself!

23 Kannattajaa    Kannatus   

1 - 20 (21)
I agree that planning ahead is key for both loss and maintenance. 
08 helmi 15 jäseneltä: HCB
Six mini-meals of 200-300 calories about 3 hours apart works well for me, but I have a flexible schedule and don't care for coffee...the beauty of the approach you posted and mine is that BOTH of them take our minds off of what and when we will eat next, so that we effectively focus on other things...Thanks for ALL of your help, Buddy !!!! Have a GREAT week !!!! 
08 helmi 15 jäseneltä: SuccessThisTime58
I eat 2 meals most weekend days, 3 on work days. It works for me.  
08 helmi 15 jäseneltä: wholefoodnut
When I go on vacation I'm sure I will have to grab food when others are eating or do without, but now I am having fun experimenting. Have a great week! 
08 helmi 15 jäseneltä: Deb_N
I plan my food for the week. With working more than 40 hours it's a must. I think it also helps me not just grab something quick or unhealthy because I already have it made up. 
08 helmi 15 jäseneltä: skwhite
Enjoy your experimenting Deb. I started a new routine today- different hours so I decided to adopt a new eating programme as of today. I like to keep things fresh! Will let you know how it is going in a few weeks time x 
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: KellyM25
Have a great day and I will watch for your results on your experiment.  
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: LadyBea40
Preparing your own food does save money and calories!!! 
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: pwrestlephoto
Interesting plan. I like the fact that you have flexibility built in - because life happens! Best of luck. 
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: BuffyBear
A mini version of Intermittent Fasting... Stay positive you are doing great. 
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: mardee57
Yes, I do think I am doing Intermittent Fasting. Just not as rigid as others. Whatever works is what we can stick with. In the beginning, anything you do might seem hard. When you get moving you will be successful. Stay positive, everyone!  
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: Deb_N
i used to do 2 meals when i was younger now its the opposite.. i need 5 little ones . i break em down into 3 hour intervals.  
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: redgirl1974
5 little meals are the way to go in my opinion. fasting is a recipe for disaster! 
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: AZ611
When I was 233 pounds and diabetic, I could not fast, and I was eating 6 meals a day and taking Metformin medication. I watched what I ate, walked off the fat, and my doctor stopped the medication when my blood sugar was normal. Now I can go without eating until I am hungry, but I never let myself get so hungry that I would eat junk food. I stick to my RDI. :) 
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: Deb_N
Deb, you are doing fabulously!! Honestly, I don't get those 5 or six meals a day. It would never work in my work schedule and with my plan I wouldn't even be hungry. Think it's an individual thing.  
09 helmi 15 jäseneltä: wholefoodnut
We all know what is best for us. We do what we can and what works. New members just need to keep trying. Losing weight is hard in the beginning, but when you get into the groove and keep moving, you will be successful. Never give up! :) 
10 helmi 15 jäseneltä: Deb_N
Thanks so much for your encouragement. I wish you lived in my head everyday : ) 
10 helmi 15 jäseneltä: sharonfriz
i think every one is different. 5 little meals might work for some where 2 is better for others. I don't think either way is wrong or right and its def everyone should decide on their own whats best for them.. I would love the freedom of only planning 2 meals a day .. it just doesn't work for me.. way to go on the trying new things.!!  
10 helmi 15 jäseneltä: redgirl1974
It most likely depends on your activity levels too I imagine. I need a handful of nuts or some juice after a workout if its too far to dinner. But I do plan all my meals ahead and cook ahead whenever possible. That way I always have a healthy choice. 
10 helmi 15 jäseneltä: nicholaix
I think your idea of preparing meals after breakfast or the night before sounds like a good idea for me. I can't always prepare my meals because of not being able to stand or walk much. My daughter is here everyday to help me with things around the house and i'm going to talk to her and us figuring out what i'm having for dinner and she can prepare it and it will be ready for when i need to eat. It really seems to work for you and at this point, I'm up for anything that i can afford and do. Keep up the good work, so i can keep reading it and getting my inspiration from the journal entries I get, lol it is true though. I've tried getting my daughter on here, but she's not sure about it and she's been dealing with a lot right now 
11 helmi 15 jäseneltä: LadyGoblyn


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