Päiväkirja - Deb_N, 08 helmi 15

Hello, everyone! I've been trying a new experiment on my meal planning. Most recently, I stopped eating three meals a day and made it two meals a day. That way I have a long period of time where I don't have to think about food! I added my after breakfast snack of fruit to my breakfast. After breakfast is over, I start drinking my cup of coffee and planning my dinner. I measure or weigh everything I am going to eat and write it down so I can log it at my armband website. In the past I have written down what I eat here at FatSecret, so if anyone wants they can look at my Diet Calendar by clicking on the link in my profile. It is just simple foods that I eat. I put my prepared dinner foods in the refrigerator and then I don't think about food for the rest of the day! I just finish my cup of coffee and drink two or three cups of tea in the afternoon. At dinner time I heat up the things that need to be warm and then eat my meal. My dinner fills me up and I have no problem with wanting to overeat. If I get a spur of the moment invitation to go out to dinner, I go ahead and go out, and the food that I prepared can be eaten the next day. If you don't have time to prepare your meal after breakfast, you could prepare it the night before. Take care of yourself!

23 Kannattajaa    Kannatus   

I've yet to find any scientific proof on how many meals or the timing of them make much difference it's what you eat and your activity.  
11 helmi 15 jäseneltä: wholefoodnut


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