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20 tammikuuta 2015

20 tammikuuta 2015

As I think more about it, I think I know the culprit of my lack of weight loss last week. Peanut butter! I watched Forks Over Knives last night and found out that I'm eating too much oil. Oops! My cilantro-lime dressing calls for a quarter cup of olive oil and I made two batches. Too late for this week!

I found a natural peanut butter that I really liked called Krema. No added anything, just peanuts. At first I was drizzling it on my afternoon snack of apples, and that when things started slowing down. Then I was dunking my apple slices in the peanut butter and that's when things stopped moving.

If all goes right this week, then we'll know my theory worked.

BTW, I feel great today. I do feel like I've lost some weight over the last two days and am back to being super excited. After watching Forks Over Knives, I am ready to commit to veganism for the first quarter of the year. I will have one cheat day per week and will be careful with my alcohol consumption.

This is the first time that I feel like I might be able to accomplish my weight loss goal. But, I won't stop there. 174 is healthy, but it would be wiser for me to continue until I'm in my recommended BMI and weight range for my height.


19 tammikuuta 2015

Another good and vegan weekend!

I downloaded a book called Taking the Vegan Challenge for a little support and knowledge about my new food lifestyle. I still don't think I lost any weight last week, and I wanted to know why. For the most part, the book was reiterating information that I found on the internet for free, but the budget grocery list was gold. And, I found out that I don't get anywhere near the recommended calcium for my age, and calcium aids weight loss.

Yet again, my bowels stopped moving. I can't even tell you why, but I took a suggestion from one of my FS buddies and started taking the Magnesium at night and Probiotic in the morning. The calcium that I bought yesterday gets taken with each meal. This morning, everything started moving again. I guess my body still needs time to adjust to all of this.

There is a big difference between the energy that I'm used to and the energy that I have now. Saturday, I cleaned and organized my bedroom. It was a disaster area and has been for months. I'm usually unbothered by the clutter, but recently grew annoyed with climbing over piles of clean clothes and tredding lightly on mounds of junk that didn't have a place.

Usually, I'm good for two hours of cleaning before I need to have a rest, a snack, something. I cleaned for about 6 am to about 4 pm. I took breaks, but never really felt like sitting for too long. My room is gorgeous, and I feel really good about it. It's like my room is a visualization of a weight loss success story.

Sunday, I did get tired. Someone stole my bike overnight, so I was forced to do a lot of unplanned walking in the wrong shoes while carrying groceries. I hate the transit weekend schedule. I will not wait an hour for the bus when I can walk to my destination in 20 minutes or so. So, yes, a lot of walking and I was pretty achy by the time I got home.

But, I did discover a recipe for a vegan salad dressing. It reminds me of green goddess dressing made at Farm Burger, but because it's homemade it tastes so much better! The basic ingredients are the same as guac without tomato and onion. It's heavy on the cilantro and calls for olive oile and white wine vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar). I seriously could not believe how creamy it tasted. Almost like a ranch based dressing. Such a pleasant surprise and I'm pouring it on everything right now!

New surprise today...my favorite dresspants are baggy in the lower thigh area. I don't think it's my imagination. Yay!


16 tammikuuta 2015

Last night I made the most disgusting dinner that even I couldn't eat it. After two days of bean- or rice-based meals, I needed to make sure vegetables played the leading role for a couple of days. I just wanted to get rid of my carrots. I sauteed them up with onion and garlic like I did at the start of my lentil spinach soup. Then, I figured that I'd toss my portabello mushrooms in for protein.

They weren't portabellos. I knew something was wrong when I cut them up. Then the smell, oh God, the smell! I ate a few pieces of mushrooms and had the feeling that tonight was the night I was going to throw up. So, I picked the rest out and tried to eat what was leftover in the pan. I only got a few bites in before I gave up. Nasty!

This morning, I didn't feel good about myself. Again, I don't feel like I've lost any weight. My skinny jeans went on just like they do any other day. They were easier to button and that's the only change. I just don't feel as I did when I weighed 185. So, maybe I haven't lost anything at all and I'm still hovering around 190. That would just be sad. I am hoping at the very least to be 180-183. I'd be ecstatic to see 170-anything. I'm just not feeling it though.

Then, I got an email and I have a phone interview for a Office Manager position downtown. Hey hey now, my mood has lifted!!!


15 tammikuuta 2015

Last night, one of my friends and I met at a new "fast" Indian food restaurant called Naan Stop. I had heard that they offer some delicious vegan-friendly dishes and we were not disappointed!

We both had brown rice with chola (garbanzo beans) and aloo palak (spinach and potatos), grilled peppers and onions, and I had the spicy cilantro pepper sauce while she had something different. Let me tell you, it was delicious! I had to take some tums to easy the lava in my belly later LOL.

I told her that I'm seriously considering remaining vegan. She did the same last year as she found that she also didn't struggle during the fast and it felt natural. She asked if I would go back to coffee and what do I want to eat when this is over. I let her know that I'm going decaffeinated if/when I want coffee and the only thing that I can think that I want is a small pack of Haribo Gummy Bears.

Today, I am a little behind on drinking my water. I think I'm over peeing so much. My lime, ginger, jalepeno infusion with mint and cilantro is definitely performing some type of flush in my body. Today is the 11th day, so I'm halfway through (amazing). I'm still eager to hop on the scale, but I will remain determined to wait until Sunday morning the 25th.


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