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02 heinäkuuta 2014

A small loss, but a loss nonetheless. I have concluded that, just like has happened on and off over the years with my chronic back pain, when I go too many days hurting, I make poor food choices because 1) it takes more work to cook healthy foods and I'm just not up for it physically and 2) I get sort of depressed about my overall options, since I can't up the exercise and it just feels unfair to have to keep depriving myself all the time. But, in all honesty, I just like my small snacks and I know I could lose weight faster if I just got rid of them. At least when I finally give in to a craving for chips, I count them out and stick to it.

Still, even if I eat small treats, I am proud of myself for not EVER partaking of the decadent snacks that get brought to work everyday. Yesterday it was donuts and cinnamon rolls.

Night before last I didn't exercise because I unexpectedly had to give my Pomeranian a hair cut, brush out tangles, bath him, and blow-dry him. All because he somehow got into something green and slimy in my backyard. It was rather tenacious and was stuck to his paws and tummy. It took two washings to get it out. I was sore and exhausted by the end of that experience.

I did my strength training/stretching dvd last night. It still shocks me that even when I've gone only 7-9 days since doing a particular exercise, my body acts like it's been 6 months!

Here's to healthy choices for the 4th! It's getting easier, although my family was pretty peaved with me for buying angel food cake for our strawberry shortcake the other day. Ah well. I tried. Guess I'll just have to stick to tiny portions of whatever everyone else wants, or skip it altogether.

Happy 4th everyone! (if you celebrate Independence Day on July 4th,that is!)
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
76,9 kg 9,3 kg 4,3 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (9 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 0,3 kg viikossa

27 kesäkuuta 2014

I survived going back to work with my back pain yesterday, but was in pain when I got home. Tried to take it easy for awhile, but caught myself doing lots of little projects in anticipation of picking up my son at the airport. He has been studying abroad in Sweden for the last 10 months, so I was pretty excited about his homecoming.

My daughter bought a "Welcome Home" sign for us, which was so long I could cut it in half. I put one up over our garage (so he'd see it as soon as we pulled up) and the other half in our living room. It looked sort of sad and impersonal, so I ended up pulling out my stencils and butcher paper, making another sign that read, "We missed you, Athan!" I posted that under the "Welcome Home" sign in the living room. I had various laughable snafus with tape, sign and step stool, but I'm glad I did it.

Since resting and relaxing didn't seem to be curing my back, I popped in a yoga tape and only did one segment (20 minutes) to make sure not to over-do it. It was challenging but it felt good to stretch. I felt much calmer afterwards.

I ate dinner and packed up a small snack, then took a quick bath to sooth my muscles and save me some time in the morning (since I was likely to be out quite late picking my son up).

Things went as expected at the airport. It was crowded and my son wasn't waiting in the expected area. Wifi wasn't available in baggage claim area, so there was some miscommunication, but it all worked out.

He's home now and I feel much calmer. I adjusted to him being so far away, but as a mother, you always feel better when you know your children are safe. It's not as if Europe is a hotbed of dangerous activities, but motor vehicle accidents happen everywhere.

Well, back to real life and preparing for my daughter and her husband to move away in 2 short months. I want to spend as much time with my daughter and grandchildren before they leave. I was more than a little discouraged after my recent drive to Seattle. With how much my back hurt after a four-hour drive, I don't know what I'm going to do about a 12-hour drive to where my daughter is moving. Since they live 4-hours from a large airport, that too is fraught with obstacles. She is not looking forward to planning road trips by herself, trying to keep a 1 and 3-year old occupied. Hopefully, she gets the hang of it and I only go to her new home 1-in-3 times. Wish us luck!


26 kesäkuuta 2014

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
77,1 kg 9,1 kg 4,5 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   Lisää kommentti vakaa paino

25 kesäkuuta 2014

I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but I'm guessing I'm still maintaining. My gut is giving me grief and my back is acting up, so exercise is on the back burner (I did my workout dvd on Monday night, but there's no way I can do my walking tonight).

My back was so bad yesterday that I had to take today off from work. So, I'm not going to risk hurting myself worse by working out.

I got my lab results today. Overall, everything looks fine. My fasting blood sugar was 84, so I don't have to stress about pre-diabetes. That's a relief. Unfortunately, my LDL and overall cholesterol went up again. This, despite exercising, losing weight, taking both fiber and fish oil every day. Grrr. I guess I may need to consider going back on Lipitor or something similar.

I took my son for another dental procedure and our norm is to go get Dairy Queen to make him feel better. Usually we just go through the drive-through, but today the line was really long so we went inside.

What a test of my willpower. A 10-minute wait in line followed by a 10-minute wait for his food. This isn't the first time I've watched someone else get food, but today was just hard. I'm proud of myself for NOT getting anything. I never really feel good after eating fast food anyway, so I just keep reminding myself of that.

On the good news front, I will be picking my elder son up from the airport tomorrow night. He is coming home from 10 months in Sweden (a college year abroad). I'm so excited! He'll probably need to sleep for most of Friday, but hopefully Saturday we'll be able to catch up. My younger son is already plotting what game to play as a family, lol.

22 kesäkuuta 2014

It's so good to be home! I got home late last night. The pinning ceremony and graduation were nice, but after working and driving up Thursday night, there was just altogether too much additional driving while I was there!

Plus, my silly sister up from CA forgot she offered to let me bunk with her at the motel. I was looking forward to not having to share a bathroom with 4 kids at my brother's house, plus I just wanted to stay up late and TALK! We never get to see each other and she is not good at phone calls or emails. I was just down in CA last month and she didn't take any time off from work, so I only saw her for 2 hours at dinner one night.

Sheesh. You just can't win. At least there wasn't too much family drama. That is something you definitely have to be grateful for!

Anyway, I ate everything I brought with me. My only non-wins were partaking of dessert one night and having a bit of pancake at two different breakfasts, but all-in-all I feel pretty good about my eating.

Back to life!

Painohistoria - gilliansings

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