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11 syyskuuta 2015

dummy me. Thought the back pain was from sitting in a chair. Why didn't I remember the symptoms of gallbladder issues. It's returned. I hadn't eaten any fat so I didn't thinkof it, but so tired, the insomnia returned, bad sleep, sleepy all day, fever... but not until I couldn't stand eating did I realize... I'm having another gall bladder attack, prolly triggered by the ice cream from 31 Aug... been feeling bad since then. No wonder I wasn't losing. I wasn't digesting either.

So off the diet until I get the blockage cleared. Then instead of protein, I might try going raw. It's supposed to be better than the chicken/veg meals I've been eating.

No weight loss. Am just laying around trying to feel better. Flaxseed tea, hot lemon juice water, and pressed apple juice. Guess it's obvious the HCL didn't help me to digest food. Dang it.
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
69,4 kg 1,4 kg 10,4 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
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08 syyskuuta 2015

Only half pound loss, not enough to count but again, glad I am not going up. And only half pound to my second mini goal! I eat the same food until all the leftovers are gone. Today I am changing to a different meal, from a tomato based soup and I am allergic to tomatoes so I think that's where the whole body inflammation is coming from, to a fried rice medley with bits of chick breast and veggies to flavor it, AND portion control. That's KEY. Not to eat until I am full but to stick to single serving. It's fried rice but I use coconut oil and a nonstick pan so it's very little just to start the chicken/onions to get brown, then add brown rice and veggies.

1/2 lb to 2nd mini goal.
Then 4 lbs to 3rd mini goal, getting under the dreaded hump where I usually give up out of flustration and HUNGER.

They say to eat eggs to stave off hunger but I am allergic to eggs. I am hoping by semi following an alkaline diet, that I will overcome allergies. It's not helping so far. I wake with TERRIBLE entire body pain, muscles/joints and not rested. Am also hoping that will change, that it's from sleep apnea and not getting enough oxygen to all my cells. I take B vitamins to increase red blood cells, I know I am anemic. And supplements to help digest food and help digest the supplements. That's my intent, I'll see if the "experts" are just spouting theory or if their science is/isn't made up (a lot of it is... MADE UP... to sell their schtick.)
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
69,4 kg 1,4 kg 10,4 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
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07 syyskuuta 2015

I was so close last night to breaking my food plan and getting some ice cream. It's SO HOT, with nearly 100% humidity, so the heat index is really high. The ice cream would have been delicious and so creamy and cool. But... I sat down and wrote the reasons why I wanted to stay the course. I put in the FEELING reasons rather than common sense reasons because I know FEELINGS are what drives me. I connected with that feeling I have when I feel strong and self assured, and how that makes me feel so capable and competent. The feelings come from ME, not from others so that if others aren't standing there ready to there/there me, I will not lose heart. Besides, I don't want success to only occur when someone pushes me. I want success to come from inside me. Anyhoo. Woke up this morning and instead of regretting ice cream (which I did not get in my car and go buy!! YAY!!), instead I lost a pound! Inspite of not walking for TWO days (I really can't take the heat/humidity, makes me feel like I'm going to black out and I have blacked out before.).

One more pound to achieve my second mini goal, to drop one dress size. It's a BIG goal because I have gotten close before and sabotaged it with ice cream. I'm not going to have even a little... once I start... I am an ice cream aholic. I am SO goal oriented that I eat ALL in the container! ARGH. MALLOWPUFF! (another reason I only buy the little containers, even though they are relatively expensive compared to the normal size). I can buy normal on sale for only 50cents more than the price of the little ones. Oh well, there is a different price I have to pay, the price of PAIN. So... NO ice cream at all until I get to my final goal. And when I do, if I have a cup of ice cream, I will go back on my food plan and zap any gain within a couple of days.

And tomorrow the heat will be under 110f heat index so I can walk outdoors again!

My next mini goal is to get under 150lbs. It will be hard. It's the place I always plateau. But I have a secret weapon. I've timed this to the weather, getting cooler so I can be more active. And I can bake my protein instead of cooking in the crockpot, which means it will have more flavor but even fewer calories!

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
69,4 kg 1,4 kg 10,4 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (3 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 3,2 kg viikossa

06 syyskuuta 2015

Damn that default that tells how many days it takes to reach my goal if I continue this rate. First it blames me for losing too fast, as if I can't figure out waterweight. Then it shames me for losing too slow.

I am STARVING for a real meal where I feel satiated. Who the hells feels satiated when on a diet? I think they are lying. The woman who lost all her weight just by quitting her soda? I never drank soda to begin with. I am down to two meals a day. One cup of soup that has protein and veggies. 1/3 apple (it's a large apple), and 1/2 cup of Fage yogurt. If I slip up even a sliver, I gain.

So now am at 154 solid. Just two more pounds to my 1st goal, to drop a dress size. My body is STILL a frickn mallowpuff. I've been doing walks in the am, and again in pm if it's cool out. I do some light weights. I have CUT OUT ALL DESSERTS, I don't salt anything and if I do buy a canned veggie, it's salt free and no substitute.

I ate A LOT of desserts, not a small amount. Sometimes a whole container of ice cream in ONE DAY. 1 1/2 quarts. A WHOLE package of cookies. TWO boxes of movie sized candy all made from corn syrup. SO WHY hasn't there been real progress? I cheated ONE time, last mon, a PLanned cheat, after weeks of NO dessert. SO, inspite of all this NO SUGARY desserts, which surely must have been all empty calories, I haven't really lost any weight for over two weeks.

Very discouraging. Very very.
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
69,9 kg 0,9 kg 10,9 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   Lisää kommentti Painonpudotus 3,2 kg viikossa

05 syyskuuta 2015

Okay. I didn't fall as far as I thought. I re-loss what I had gained and so am back to this weight, so it's a null. No loss but no gain either. I hope to get back to losing now. Just three more pounds to get to the 1st step, lose one dress size. Then... second step of goal, to get under 150. I haven't been under 150 in 8 years? Maybe longer. This has been quite a battle. Any indulgence wipes out the gain. I am not going to indulge anymore until I have achieve weight loss goal #1, to weight what I did when I gave birth to a 9 lb baby. It's so mindblowing to realize I gained over 50 lbs. FIFTY! That's more than I can carry! And yet I have been. No wonder I'm tired! Really want to get under 150 and then I will carry weight on my walks and build some strength. I've been so weak. That's what happens when I lay around all day, I get muscle atrophied, and can't do the things I want. I hope it's not too late. I do light weights until I lose because I am SO weak. Build some strength until I can pick up heavier weights. Am staying away from fads. So and so says this. Well, juice doesn't fill the belly. And I need the fiber to re-build my intestines. Protein, veggies, enzymes, probiotics, and supplements. No starving. No deprivation. Good nutrition, no sugar, no desserts (anymore, I had ice cream last Mon, planned so that I limited the amount and only one day, but it took two days to re-lose what I had lost the day before I ate that sweet creamy cool delish dessert, which I will repeat when I lose that 25 lbs. I may gain a couple pounds back then, but will go back on my plan until I stay at 130 or below. I CAN DO THIS. I have inspiration from reading others successes. REAL success, not some infomercial pretend success.
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
70,3 kg 0,5 kg 11,3 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
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