Päiväkirja - Ruhu, 18 heinä 13

Finally did it... got on that darn scale! Pleasantly surprised that I'm only up 2 lbs, but knowing some may be water weight lost from the cleanse. Today's my last day on it & I'll then go back to whole, unprocessed foods with an emphasis on vegetables, fruit & lean protein. I'm feeling stronger & ready to stay my course gluten, lactose & added sugar free.

I'm off to play tennis this morning... in this heat, so wish me luck! I've been hydrating & have a frozen washcloth to take with me to put around my neck at changeovers.

I've been piecing together what happened on the trip & what I can learn from it and will journal about it when I have more time... time, we never have enough of it, do we?

But before I hit the court, I'll pray --

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

And throughout this one day and each one last day of cleansing drinks, I'll continue to pray, breathe & journal, being grateful for all of you, my wonderful family & other friends, the health & energy to play tennis outdoors in this heat and getting back to the life I love! xoxox
55,3 kg Tähän mennessä pudotettu: 2,7 kg.    Vielä jäljellä: 0 kg.    Dieetin noudattaminen: Huonosti.
Painonnousu 0,4 kg viikossa


2 lb - that's great, that you only gained 2 lb on such a stressful though fun vacation. And you obviously have learned some stuff which we will hear about later and I am certain that it won't take long to knock off those 2 lb when you are totally back on your normal eating plan. Good for you for exercising in this heat - you are either brave or crazy - lol - you pick. Hope it was a fun game. No doubt you will drink lots this morning to make up for all the sweat you will lose. Hugs special lady :) 
18 heinä 13 jäseneltä: sarahsmum
We won! I don"t know which was the tougher opponent... the players on the other side of the net or the heat! Will be hydrating throughout the rest of the day & catching up on the book work that piled up while we were away. Hugs right back to you, Is, you're quite special yourself... and for the record, I think I'm more crazy than brave! xoxox 
18 heinä 13 jäseneltä: Ruhu
Ruth, I just finished The Thrive Diet. You might like it. There's lots of clever information about nutrition as it relates to performance, and stress. I have an extra copy if you'd like it. It was gifted to me, but I bought it on Kindle so I could take notes and do searches. Well done on the scale and with your cleanse. 
18 heinä 13 jäseneltä: Helewis


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