Päiväkirja - GLAMMER

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14 kesäkuuta 2015

YAAAY! I think most of my last gain was mostly water (probably from my pool therapy, LOL!), but the important thing is, IT'S GONE! I confess that my commitment to weight loss has been up & down lately, & that has shown in my weight history. BUT, I also know from experience that this will happen sometimes, & it's really no big deal, though it seems like one at the time. I have a real peace about losing weight now. I KNOW IT WILL HAPPEN, so I'm not so worried about the little setbacks. I know I still can't take them too lightly, but I also know that gaining 3 lbs in 1 week isn't the end of my weight loss world, either. I went uber-agressive (for me anyway) on my pool exercises on Thursday, partly to make up for missing my Tuesday session because DH had a Dr's appt, but also because I wanted to shed the 3 lbs I had gained ASAP, so it wouldn't be so daunting to my depression-prone psyche. I'm becoming aware that this is pretty much going to be a monthly issue due to my grocery shopping & restaurant splurges with DD. BUT, in realizing that I'm also stratagizing that planning for this must include purposing in my heart that I WILL NOT OVERINDULGE (well, I'll try very hard not to) for the rest of each month. I think this will help me keep a general balance between my strong desire to eat right & lose weight & my strong desire to have some AWESOME MOM-DD time once a month. Some things are just too important (& FUN) to eliminate from our lives, even if it means working harder to get other things we really want. ~~Am I in a philosophical mood or what? Anyway I'm pretty jazzed again, & I wish all of my dear FS Friends a restful night, & a lovely, skinny day tomorrow. ~~ (((((HUGS))))) GLAMMER
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
111,9 kg 8,3 kg 12,2 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (5 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 0,9 kg viikossa

09 kesäkuuta 2015

Hello, Dear FS Friends! I over-overindulged this past week, & now am prepared to work hard to make up for it. Saturday was my monthly grocery shopping trip with oldest DD. We went to Bonnie's Bistro, & the sandwiches were very tasty. I did pretty well there, but then after shopping we stopped at DQ & ordered mini Blizzards, which was not so good. Sunday we joined our DD's at Faith church, then stayed for their Fellowship Meal (potluck) afterward. Hence the 2.2 lb weight gain. But, I know what to do, & I WILL DO IT! Also, I've never been much of a candy person, but lately I've been finding myself shoving candies of various kinds in my face. Just a few here & there, but I'm realizing that I definitely need to curb this recent habit. One problem is that I'm sick of "breath fresheners" ALWAYS being mint flavored. I like mint, & it's a great flavor for bad breath, but I also like fruity & other flavors, so sometimes I buy Jolly Ranchers or Worthers, etc. I recently bought some sour-coated gummy thingies, & I like them too much. I keep some in my gym bag, & on the 45 minute rides to & from the gym I've been eating way too many, especially since they're not sugar-free. Just another source of extra calories & carbs that I need to keep in control. On the bright side I've been doing pretty well with making a monthly menu & grocery list, & keeping our meals on track calorie & carb wise. As Hubby often says, "It's a work in progress", LOL!
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
112,6 kg 7,6 kg 12,8 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (2 kommenttia) Painonnousu 0,8 kg viikossa

31 toukokuuta 2015

YAY! PRAISE THE LORD! I lost 1.8 lbs & I feel great! I will have to be careful though. Youngest DD's b-day party is after church today in Grants Pass. Shouldn't be too bad though, since she chose to have her b-day lunch at their home vs. going out to eat. Sarah is very frugal & health-conscious, & asked for sandwich wraps with hummus & other healthy stuff which of course is much better than what you can get at most restaurants. The "biggie" for me will be the DQ ice cream cake I ordered. It has a zebra design, & I've wanted to buy one of these for Sarah for about 3 years now. We even bought older DD Rachel a DQ dolphin cake last year. Until now Sarah lived in Salem, OR so getting one for her would have been more difficult, & we couldn't have seen her get it, etc. So this is a finally realized wish for me, & I plan to enjoy it ~ just not too much, LOL! Our 3rd DD lives in San Diego, but Lord willing we hope to drive down there to see her & our other family & friends this coming September. Rebekah's b-day is OCT 2nd, & I would love, if possible, to give her a DQ Garfield cake while we're down there. So I'm looking forward to a busy & happy day today, & will definitely be careful to "behave" food wise. I hope all of you, my FS Friends have a lovely Sabbath Day too. ~ (((Skinny Hugs))) GLAMMER
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
111,6 kg 8,6 kg 11,8 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (4 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 1,1 kg viikossa

26 toukokuuta 2015

Hi Everyone, I hope you all had a good Memorial Day. We did, our 2 DD's & oldest one's DH came up from the "big city" (about 30 miles away), & we had a fun family time. Their work schedules are so different it's hard getting all 3 of them together, so it was nice having them all here today. My weight loss this past week was not super, but I wasn't all that careful about eating this week, so I'm happy with it. It's way better than gaining. We had BBQ today, I ate 3 pork ribs, some coleslaw, a few cherries & a small bag of Cheetos. This was both my lunch AND dinner, so I think it will be ok. I sure hope so, as I have a weigh in with Mike my surgeon's PA tomorrow AM! I would have lost more weight if I had been more careful about my eating, since besides my pool therapy at the Y I went out & pulled tons of weeds at least 3 days in the last week. We have several flower beds, & the weeds are taller than our irises. I hate that! I had them pretty well "weeded out" a few years ago, before my hip & knee replacements & the 2 infections that followed. I've been so weak since then I couldn't do much. But since the cortizone shot I've been feeling great & tackling projects that have been on my "To Do" list for a long time. Today before our family arrived I deep cleaned my kitchen, & am so happy with how nice it looks now. Tomorrow afternoon I hope to finish changing out my wardrobe from winter to summer. I don't remember if I mentioned this before, so please forgive me if I did, but the surgeon who examined my shoulder injury is going to set me up for a cortizone shot in my shoulder, hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks. He wanted to wait a bit since I just had the shot in my hip, just to be safe. So I will continue my pool therapy & weed pulling this week, AND will work hard on eating right, & hopefully I'll lose at least 2 lbs by next SUN's weigh-in. DH has had his ups & downs lately too. First he ran out of one of his injectable insulins, thinking he still had another bottle when he didn't. So I called his Dr & they "rushed" his prescription to our pharmacy. BUT, they didn't state the max dosage which is required by law, so the pharmacy couldn't fill the prescription, so they had to re-do & re-fax it to the pharmacy. Finally on Friday, after 2 days of phone calls & getting messed around, & trying to cook zero carb meals which I wasn't prepared to do, we got his medicine. I was worried that we wouldn't get it before the long weekend, which would have been really bad. Now Hubby's sugars are stable again, & all is well. Thank You, Lord!
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
112,4 kg 7,8 kg 12,6 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (4 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 0,2 kg viikossa

17 toukokuuta 2015

Well at least I lost some weight this time, & I'm definitely motivated to stick to my healthy eating program. We hope to drive down to San Diego in SEPT to visit our middle DD & other friends & family from when we lived down there, & I want lose at least 8-10 more lbs by then. I plan to spend some time at the beach down there, & don't want to be mistaken for a whale, LOL! I got out in the yard a couple of times this last week, pulling weeds & keeping an eye on DH while he did the mowing. With his diabetes his sugars can drop quickly with exercise, & then he can't see, & feels very weak & like he's going to faint which has happened before. So I try not to let him be out there alone. The pool therapy at the YMCA is going very well. I'm walking about 1500 steps in the pool each time, plus doing my upper & lower body strength & flexibility exercise routine that I worked out with the Personal Trainer when I started there. By my calculations I burn about 750 calories in 45 minutes of water walking, given my weight, stride length, & slow pace. So I guess I'm doing pretty well. I figure I water walk about 3/4 of a mile, & for me to walk that far on land would be completely impossible! If anyone has more or better info on my water walking, I will appreciate your input. Hugs & Blessings, GLAMMER
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
112,7 kg 7,5 kg 12,9 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (3 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 0,4 kg viikossa

Painohistoria - GLAMMER

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