Päiväkirja - tealeaf27

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16 heinäkuuta 2012

15 heinäkuuta 2012

God is soooo Awesome! I have been praying asking God to help me to figure out what has been going on with this "lifestyle" change and why is just doesn't seem to be coming together. Answer relax stop trying to over think the whole thing. You know what to do so do it stop getting hung up on the numbers and use them as the guidelines they are meant to be...they are not the program just tool to use. I was starving myself and eating things that were good but not something I would or could live on for very long. Oh what a silly person I have been. Thank You Lord for showing me the error of my ways and helping me to relax and enjoy life. I pray you will continue to help me to eat in order to live and not live to eat. I have spent a lifetime learning this lesson over and over kind of like that movie Ground Hog Day. Yikes! Please Lord help me learn it this time!!!!!!!

13 heinäkuuta 2012

In my old life I went to dairy queen several times a month for blizzards and have been having a really hard time every time I saw the DQ blizzard advertised. I know I am changing my lifestyle but I also know that treats once in a while are a good idea. I remember a speaker at Weight Watchers years ago telling us if there was something that we were craving and that craving lasted several days it was better to have the item other wise we would eventually binge or try to make up for the item by grazing on all kinds of things that would probably add up to more than the item did. Today I took that advice and had a mini blizzard and it was wonderful and truly I do not remember them being so totally filling. I still have plenty of calories left should I get hungry later and choose to use them and I am no longer feeling cheated. I had trouble eating it at first because of the guilt then I remember that same speaker saying don't let guilt ruin the moment enjoy it and move on. Sooooooo I did to the fullest. Thank You Lord for the wisdom you have shared with me through others.

12 heinäkuuta 2012

rough evening, had major pig out, made myself sick to...serves me right. Great reminder as to why I don't do that anymore....ugh! Thank you Lord for that reminder. I did not hide it however which I would have in the past it is on my food journal all of it. The funny thing is when I look at all I did and the calories...pro, carbs ect. they are all higher than they should be but no where near where they used to be Praise God! I am not happy with myself with what I did but it was a really icky lesson learned. Oh what a stubborn, stiff necked, stupid person I can be. Thank You Lord for your forgiveness, grace and Love. I have now admitted my sin, asked and received forgiveness,and will move on. I know I will have stumbles from time to time that unfortunately is the ugly part of this amazing journey.

11 heinäkuuta 2012

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
93,4 kg 4,4 kg 32,2 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
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