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27 lokakuuta 2016

Apparently I overdid it Saturday. I'm having difficulties physically and mentally this week.

So this past Saturday, I did a 3.26 run with my running group and ran the entire thing. Super happy to break through that mental hurdle in mile 2 that made me walk before I got to mile 3.

Then I went to the gym, and biked for 30 minutes. I kept having this sensation in the back of my thighs like I was being shocked but I kept going.

In the pool, I only got in 15 laps which I chalked up to doing more in running and biking.

I haven't been sore and barely stiff, but on Monday running felt tough and clumsy. I felt like I had resistance bands tied to my legs and it burned to try to run. Tuesday, I felt no love for the gym but I made myself go and I did a Zumba class just to get myself moving.

The class was so bad! The instructor kept saying that between her two classes and family she had no time to practice her routine. It showed! It's bad when the entire class can't tell what's going on.

Anyways, I was going to run after, but I couldn't mentally get myself to do anything.

I did nothing yesterday and couldn't even get up to go today. However, I do have running apparel and my swimsuit packed in my car. At the very least, I'm swimming today.

20 lokakuuta 2016

17 lokakuuta 2016

Finally, a remarkable loss in weight. I have lost two full pounds! This after gaining about 3 when I returned to the gym six weeks ago. That happens every time - don't be alarmed.

I'm still above my starting weight, but I'm happy to see that the muscle I've gained is burning the fat. I think this first ten pounds is going to be very stubborn. However, I'm very excited for my body. It seems to be recovering from my workouts much faster than last year. I hate walking around stiff and sore for days. It doesn't seem fair that in order to be fit I have to hurt all the time. Now, I don't [except for an ankle].

I really look forward to my tri training days. I torch a lot of calories on those days. Today is going to be a weight training day after I run. I couldn't get up this morning for the gym so I went straight into work early. That means I get off early and can go work out before I Uber.

It's going to be a grand day.

13 lokakuuta 2016

It's moon time and I'm concerned that it has already messed up two of my workouts this week. Both were running days so I haven't yet attempted to get my 4 miles in.

However, yesterday was a swim day (I use the Diva Cup so it's ok to swim...not gross, I promise). I got to the gym and determined that it would be fine to run to warm up. I did 2.45 miles in a relatively hilly area (had to alternate run/walk for the last .5 miles), then I got in the pool and was still able to swim 12 laps.

I've always been told that I have a weak kick. I agree especially because I have very muscular legs. I practiced exaggerating each kick which felt crazy but it got me down the pool so much faster. Of course, that finally made my legs burn and I ran out of oxygen much faster. I was delighted and panicked LOL.

I need to watch videos on swimming techniques.

Another observation: thanks to the oxygen deprivation from swimming my body seems to do more with each breathe while running. I thought it was in my head but I was talking to this other guy who was swimming, and he told me that it will benefit my lifting too. Can't wait to try that out.

Saturday is the 1st of 5 runs with my church running group (we only go for 5 weeks). So, I hope to start off being able to do 4 miles with them, and end with 8 or 9. We'll see...

10 lokakuuta 2016

All I can say is WOW!!!

Okay, let me first start reporting a small drop in weight. I'm on my 5th week of returning to the gym, and after gaining the expected handful of pounds (that I gain every time I start working out) the scale finally registered a drop.

Yesterday, I did something that I did not think I was ready for yet. I ran, biked, and swam all in one workout. And, it wasn't that bad. I think I already mentioned that my friend wants me to train for a sprint tri for 2017. I wanted to experience what it felt like to do all three in one day.

After church and volunteering I headed to the gym. Changed. And ran the 2-point-something miles around the Buckhead Triangle. Got done and got on the stationary bike. Got a lot of water in while on the bike. Did 5 miles then got in the pool for 10 laps (front stroke). I did a lap of breast stroke and back stroke after the first five laps to catch my breath then continued.

I can now swim down, take a quick breather and swim back easier. However, I tend to feel panicked about breathing the whole way back. Each time I swim I improve a little more.

Oh and I'm super happy that I found a salt water pool!

Painohistoria - sngglebnny

Hanki sovellus
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