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25 helmikuuta 2016

I'm soooooo busy!!!! But let me see if I can't catch you all up quickly.

I put on weight when I went on vacation to Jamaica last August. I didn't stuff myself with vacation food; quite the opposite. We rented a house which came with house staff who took care of us. They didn't have much vegan-friendly food, but what they did have I still had to share with everyone else staying in that house (16 ppl, I think). There was also not enough food, so I found myself eating my snack foods like they were meals. The food that I could eat was also inflammatory to my body, so I became super puffy and bloated over those 8 days.

I was 193 upon returning and gaining. I hadn't realized that I had picked up some bad habits. For example, eating too much avocado, eating chips frequently, eating processed vegan foods for convenience sake, and eating out several times per week (sometimes for every meal in a day). To me, it felt like I hadn't changed a thing. However, in reality I was no longer a High Carb, Low Fat, Whole Foods, Plant Based vegan (HCLF, WFPB), I was a High Carb, High Fat, junk vegan.

It took two months to get a grip on myself and take a real assessment. I got angry that I had reached 197 (gaining back 17 of the 20 I lost in Q1 of 2015). In November, I got back on track. First, cooking from home which makes WFPB easier. Then realizing how much fat I consumed on the daily and getting back to HCLF.

I got down to 193, then gained 2lbs over Christmas, but quickly lost them by the end of the first week of January. I've been losing an average of a pound per week since.

I did the Potato Cleanse with High Carb Hannah and her Facebook group for 27 days. I learned so much, and I lost inches inches INCHES but only 3 pounds. I learned about resistant starches and the role they play in feeding your good gut bacteria. I have become a regular pooper. I've learned new recipes and have incorporated new veggies into my life. My hypoglycemia (though naturally regulated through food) makes weight loss tough and slow. But it's coming off...again, at a rate of 1 lb per week.

I'm so happy to be going back down. I'm under 06/26/15's weight by a full pound. I may not be on here much, but I haven't given up. I just took a wrong turn and had no idea until I ended up almost gaining everything back. I mean, guys, I could have told you to your face with conviction that I hadn't changed my eating habits at all! I had no idea.

At this rate, I'm looking at ~6 more weeks until I'm back at that 20 lb mark (200 --> 180) that I reached last year. And, probably at the same time I reached it...I don't know, I'll have to check.

Wish me luck!
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
84,7 kg 6,9 kg 5,4 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (5 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 0,0 kg viikossa

10 syyskuuta 2015

There's nothing like getting a boost of confidence from seeing your own shadow.

Last week I wrote about getting depressed over my skirt not fitting right. I started feeling better about it over the next few days - because, honestly, the results are there.

I decided to go walk the beltline on Labor Day. I felt good except for the fact that I'm usually running on the beltline, so I was feeling some guilt. But out of nowhere I noticed my shadow - a fine sexy shadow at that. I mean yes my stomach is still big and my butt's not going anywhere, but that's just the shape I've always been at all sizes. The awesome thing was that there was just a lot less of me.

I confirmed that it wasn't just a good angle from the sun. The storefront windows showed a much smaller reflection too.

I guess I just needed a few days out of the gym to realize that I was starting to obsess about results to the point where I wasn't seeing them even when they were clearly there all along.


02 syyskuuta 2015

I feel depressed today. I had an amazing day yesterday, and even saw myself in a snapchat that my coworker snuck of me and I looked good sitting and standing. This morning I planned to wear my polkadot shirt tucked into my highwaist skirt with a thin belt for a pop of color.

After an amazing core workout today, I got ready for my outfit. I got depressed when I still had to suck my belly in to close the skirt and it still stretched tightly over my lower tummy. I became embarrassed wondering what I looked like in it before. I got depressed wondering if I had made any progress at all. I never put the belt on and untucked my shirt for coverage.

I know I have made progress. I know I can go in any store and try on a 14 and it either fit or be too big. This time last year size 14 used to fit or be too small. I can wear a L in everything in Old Navy. I can wear a 14 even if clothes in that store run a little small.

I love that I can eat clean whole foods without worry. I know that I can see progress all over my body. I don't know, I think it's the lack of physical contact telling my brain that know one even wants to love you at this size. Oh they want to screw you, but they don't really want to hold you and melt into you, and take comfort in your soft curves.

I did get a sweaty hug from my work crush who started working out at my gym yesterday. But he's not mine, so I limit the physical contact. Sigh... It's just an unusual day; I don't normally feel like this. So I just need to acknowledge the feeling and let it pass.


28 elokuuta 2015

Hey FS!!! I have no idea what I weigh right now since the scale was really making me mad after putting in so much effort at the gym, but I've finally started to see some progress in my body. I'm still faithfully going to the gym, increasing my running speed, and making gains all around.

I'm still vegan. Although, I got into a trap of eating vegan convenience foods and vegan junk. I thought that I had gained weight because of the lifting I was doing at the gym, but I sat down with myself to get a reality check.

1. I was only fluctuating up and down the same 3-5 pounds in the beginning, but I changed my eating thinking that I was doing something wrong.
2. I was doing well while lifting until my family vacation in May when I introduced chips and convenience foods into my diet.
3. Chips are a weakness and a trigger for other snacks.
4. Convenience vegan meals are a trigger for eating out and other non-whole foods.
5. My workouts weren't enough to keep up with the junk I was putting in, so that's where 10 pounds of weight gain really came from.

So, about 3 weeks ago I went back to making sure I cooked from home, putting away the chips, quinoa quinoa quinoa (no rice because it's inflammatory in my body). I started performing better at the gym and running faster. My tummy started flattening out and my side started to come back in.

I wore an old body shaper under a dress a few weeks ago and now I see why people are so obsessed with waist trainers. Not sure I'll ever by a waist trainer but it was so cool to see how sexy my midsection looked the next morning. Now I've been wearing it every time I wear a dress or something dressy-ish at work.

Okay, that's enough for now. Onward...

30 kesäkuuta 2015

Painohistoria - sngglebnny

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