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31 joulukuuta 2014

Oh man, feeling the effects of my body going through ketosis after being off-plan and getting back on-plan this past Sunday. Work was miserable. I had a dull headache the whole shift. I have had six bouillon cubes today. I'm trying to up my salt intake to combat this whole thing, but I know I just have to trudge through it. Luckily I'm off until Sunday night and that will be the one week mark of being back on plan, so maybe the effects won't be as prominent at that point.

At least I'm ringing in the new year without any junk food. I just finished a nice warm mug of broth with some parsley and dried onions to season it. Yum. I also treated myself to some diet soda while I was at work today. So much artificial sweetener, lol. I am contemplating having 1/2 a pack of Atkins PB cups. It is new year's eve, and I am still under my net carb and RDI for the day. But, I have had a crapload of artificial sweetener.

I just hope my body goes into ketosis soon so that I can get this terrible feeling over with. All of this for one day of eating what I wanted? Not worth it. I thought the carb hangover that night was bad, but this is much worse. My carb withdrawals weren't as bad when I first started the diet in early November. I guess the more you yo-yo back and forth, the worse it gets. Idk. I would call it a night early, but John just got off work and will be home any minute. We will be together to start off the new year! We may only have less than 2 hrs before midnight, but I'll take what I can get.

See you 2014, here comes 2015 and the hope of a new me! :D

30 joulukuuta 2014

Well, this is better than I expected. I went off-plan on the 27th to celebrate Christmas with my family. I expected worse. But, I will say that it was not worth it. While it was very freeing not to record everything I ate, the way I felt a bit after eating (sick) was not worth it at all. Carb hangover, I guess. They all talked about it on the forums and this is my first go-around with it, and believe me, it will not happen again. Not even for Valentine's Day (and I LOVE chocolates). I loved the way I felt last week when I stepped on the scale and it read -5 lbs. That's the way I need to keep it. But, the thing that really stinks is that my body is no longer in ketosis anymore, and it'll take me about 2 weeks to get back to that. So, really I set myself back over 2 weeks on my weight loss journey. Not worth it.

I had planned on going off-plan, but it got worse than I had planned. My parents aren't really supportive of my diet, so they were putting cookies, peanut butter cups, and millions of sweets in front of me (which is my weakness). And, since I had planned to go off for Christmas dinner, I justified that it was "vacation" since we were away from home to celebrate, so I endulged on more than just a couple cookies and candies. I also had milk 13 carbs a cup! I just couldn't help but look. But, the very next day (Sunday) I went right back on-plan even though I was still staying with my parents. It didn't go over well. My mom was grumpy that I wasn't eating the Panera bagels that my sister had brought over. Mom and dad both got grumpy when we decided not to take any leftovers home with us. I told them I was going back to my regular WOE right away that day and that I was sticking to it. Then, even after I said that my mom gave John and I Christmas candy treat bags. Hello?! I had just said I was going back to my low-carb WOL. Ugh. That's why I'm so glad that John is so supportive of this low-carb thing. He is great about it. He even does more than he has to. He tries not to even eat high-carb items around me (especially things he knows I love like grilled cheese and cookies). He went all Christmas season without baking cookies, and he loves to bake. He's really gonna be a good husband. :)

Well, I guess that is all there really is to say about this weigh-in. I'm NOT going off-plan for New Year's or anything like that, so I am hoping that next week's weigh-in will show the scale moving in the other direction.

My advice for anyone planning to go off-plan, even for one day? Don't do it! It's not worth it and it makes you feel like crap afterwards. Do you really want to be that uncomfortable after you eat? You feel bloated like a beached whale, and nauseous to boot. That will be the one day this whole year that I go off-plan. I'm ready for that weight history to start showing a steady decline. I'm ready for a new/healthier me. I've made it this far (-16 lbs, net), and I can't give that up now. Especially when people are starting to notice, like my doctor.

PS - The haters really brought me down this past week, even before I went off-plan. I went to my grandparents before we had Christmas dinner, and she made a comment about my belly looking like I was pregnant. It was like a punch in the gut. Here I was, so proud that I was -17 lbs, and she had to make a comment like that. She hadn't seen me in years. She should have seen the difference as a positive, not a negative. Also, my parents and brother and sister, who hadn't seen me for months said not a word. Not one compliment. I thought 17 lbs was a lot, and that there was some difference in how I looked. I guess not. I guess I'll just use it as motivation to keep going. I WILL prove to them that I can get my body back. Next time they see me, they WILL notice. I will make sure of it. No slip-ups. I know how to do this WOE; I've learned about the limits on artificial sweeteners and Atkins products and such, and I KNOW now how to do it. I'm ready for a change. I'm ready for a new year. I'm ready to prepare for my wedding and honeymoon. I CAN do this, despite the haters. Because as Taylor Swift says, "The haters gonna hate, hate, hate."
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
96,6 kg 2,3 kg 39,9 kg Huonosti
   Lisää kommentti Painonnousu 0,5 kg viikossa

23 joulukuuta 2014

Five pounds down this week!!! (Well, technically been 8 days since my last weigh-in. That is the nice thing about only weighing in once a week; you see more dramatic results. It's hard to be that patient sometimes, but I rely on how my clothes are fitting each day rather than the number on the scale).

I was scared about my weigh-in for this week mainly because on Sunday morning a group of us from church went to Ryan's Buffet for a Christmas breakfast. It was so hard to resist all the pastries, pancakes, and such, but it was worth the struggle. Even though I didn't go out of the recommended items, I did eat quite a bit, so I compensated by not eating lunch (which I was really too full for anyway), and a regular-sized dinner. That's the great thing about this diet; you can be FULL!

But, now I've reached quite the dilemma. I was planning on going off-plan on the 27th (the day my side of the family celebrates Christmas). I don't go off plan for my fiance's side of the family because it isn't that hard to resist, lol. My future mother-in-law's cooking doesn't hold a candle to my mom's. Anyway, she is making homemade tempura, mundoo, rice, seaweed, etc (she's 1/2 Korean). I haven't had this food since last Christmas. It is going to be so tempting. But, back to the dilemma: I was going to go off plan for my mom's cooking, but after this week's weight loss I'm inspired to stay on plan. To wreck this kind of weight loss is craziness. But, even though I will be going off-plan for Christmas dinner, I was banking on staying on-plan for the rest of the trip to St. Louis. I already talked to my mom about it, and she said that if I wanted to stay on-plan while I was up there that I would have to bring my own low-carb foods. She isn't too supportive of the Atkins diet, but I guess she is willing to tolerate it. So, here I am trying to think of foods I can pack and eat in front of everyone else while everyone else noshes on Panera bagels and such. But, after a week weight loss like this one, I will not have a problem resisting those bagels; just that tempura!

Oh, the best part of this week was when I went to the doctor on Friday for a check-up. He hadn't seen me since October, and before even looking at the vitals the nurse had taken he was just like, "You've lost weight! You look so great. I'm so happy for you." Just knowing that people can tell the difference makes me feel so good, especially because I can't really tell that much of a difference. I mean, my belt is three notches smaller, but I am still wearing the same size jeans, which makes barely and sense to me. But, maybe my jeans are getting bigger, and I just haven't noticed it? I should've taken a "before" picture, and that may have helped me. Since I still have so much to lose, I wonder if I should take one today and then use that as my "in-progress" picture. But, we don't have a full-length mirror, so I would just have to go by my top half, which does show my stomach, which is what I'm most worried about anyway. Well, I also which my bust would go down because when you go your whole life being a B cup, it is hard to adjust to being a D cup. I know that doesn't seem that big to some, but it's so weird not wearing a padded bra, lol.

When we go to St. Louis we are going to Old Navy to get me some skinny jeans. It'll be my first pair ever. I've always stuck to flare or boot-cut because they (at least for me) make me appear not as big around the waist. But, after this weight loss I am ready to make the transition. I don't plan on wearing skinny jeans every day, but it'll be nice to wear something different every once in a while. Plus, I bought some new Vans last a couple of weeks ago when we went to Cape Girardeau, and they just don't look right with my old ratty boot-cuts that I've had for over a year. They are those Keds-type little tennis shoes, so they look best with skinny jeans and skirts. This is my first pair of Vans (I'm a Chuck Taylor girl), but my fiance' swears by Vans, so he convinced me to switch to the dark side, lol.

Well, onto other things. I am so ready for Christmas. All of his presents are wrapped and under the tree, and his stocking is stuffed with little wrapped goodies too. We will be doing our little Christmas late Christmas morning because he has to work second shift on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (he does home healthcare for special needs kids, and these kids don't just take a holiday from needing assistance (especially when their own family isn't in the picture), so I'm not upset that he has to work the holiday. I work Christmas Eve during the day, so we won't really see each other that day, but that's okay. The one good thing about working so much is that we were able to do all of our Christmas shopping without putting any on the credit card this year. (Yay!) We did have to make one sacrifice though. John really really wanted a Wii U, so he put one in layaway in October, but with everyone else to buy for and not wanting to go in debt for Christmas we passed on it and got our money back. I was still able to get him some nice things that he really needed, one of those being a new pair of Vans (so many Vans in this family, lol).

Well, I probably need to finish this entry up because last time I had to edit mine because it was too long... I'm so long-winded on paper/computer, but in my actual life I'm not much of a talker. Crazy.

I'll post an update on what I decided to do for the 27th. If I don't get on here before Christmas, Merry Christmas!

PS - I've lost 17 pounds since I started Atkins on November 3, 2014. This is proof that if you stick to the plan, Atkins works!
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
96,2 kg 2,7 kg 39,5 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   Lisää kommentti Painonpudotus 2,3 kg viikossa

16 joulukuuta 2014

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
98,4 kg 0,5 kg 41,7 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (1 kommentti) vakaa paino

08 joulukuuta 2014

Well, I have to thank the members on the forums and groups here for getting me back on track. After doing the week with only ONE Atkins product I have gotten back on the weight loss track by going down 3 lbs! That's a total of 12 lbs since I started the first week of November. I am so pleased. This is part of the reason why I like weighing-in only once a week because I get to see the big results (or in the case of last week the big gain...). But, that's over, and I am back on track. I am hoping to be under 210 by the time I see my family on December 27, 2014. I hope I can do it. I think it is a reasonable goal. I am so pleased with the Atkins WOL.

Btw, last night my fiance' made me some low-carb chili. We used a pound of ground beef, a can of Ro-Tel, one packet of chili seasoning, and a small can of tomato sauce. It was so yummy. It was definitely a nice change from all of that grilled chicken I've been having, lol. And, the good thing is that I still have 2 servings left over. The biggest pain though was calculating all the nutrition facts per serving. My fiance' thought that we would just have to track the NC, but we also had to track fat, calories, and protein. So, we sat there with a calculator and all the nutrition facts in front of us, and we did it! It was frustrating, but it was all worth it when I stepped on the scale this morning.

Since I've started my new job I've been more active, which should help the weight loss. Plus, I won't have all the free time to snack all day (even if it is low-carb snacking). The only thing that's difficult is all the temptation. With it being a retail store around the holiday season I have been stocking all kinds of holiday goodies like boxed chocolates, Peep Snowmen, Hershey's Kisses, and the like. But, one thing that stops me is that this WOE is working (plus I don't want to spend my whole paycheck on candy, lol). But, overall I think the new job thing is a good thing for me. I needed to start getting out of the house. I need the socialization away from the isolation of our farm. The farm is nice and secluded, but no neighbors, and being 20 minutes from town makes it a solitary WOL.

Anyway, I am happy with my loss, and I plan to stay on track. I <3 the Atkins WOL, and I <3 the Fatsecret community for helping me out when the going gets tough!
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
98,4 kg 0,5 kg 41,7 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (2 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 1,4 kg viikossa

Painohistoria - Sortafairytale

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