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25 elokuuta 2016

I'm lucky enough to have a friend who is a Beachbody Trainer, so I started working with her and it has done wonders. That, combined with the Naturade Soy Protein shake is really helping me tone after losing those 93 pounds. It took 2 years for all the weight to come off, so I know I won't get all toned in just a month, but she pushes me, so I'm gonna work hard. What's nice about the soy protein is that it aids in weight loss instead of bulking me up like whey protein. This week has been the arm and water challenge. I can tell I'm still a beginner compared to some of the other girls, but I'll get there. #strongereveryday Also, I am combining cardio with the strength training to aid in weight loss and to not just bulk up, which is not what I want to do. But I'll also know that if the scale doesn't move much it's probably because I'm building some muscle. I'm only 9 pounds from my goal weight, and after two years I am definitely ready. Also, I went back to the LC WOE by keeping in the 100-120 range with NC, which still isn't too restrictive, but keeps my junk food and sweet tooth in check. I'll be back in another 5 days or so, as I don't like to weigh everyday.
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
65,3 kg 33,6 kg 8,6 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (2 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 0,6 kg viikossa

20 elokuuta 2016

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
65,8 kg 33,1 kg 9,1 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   Lisää kommentti Painonpudotus 3,2 kg viikossa

15 elokuuta 2016

So, I haven't been following a LC lifestyle at all and it shows. Especially on the scale. To think I used to only be four pounds from my goal just about 2 months ago. Everyone says that after the Atkins diet you gain it all back and then some, but I refuse to be that statistic. So, that's why this morning I took my starting measurements and starting weight, and I'm starting back. I'm dropping back down to between 100-120 NC per day because I was still losing on that. And I'm going to exercise at home 5 days per week. I can't let my husband enable me either. I barely fit into my size 5's and I knew it was time to change because I started wearing either leggings or joggers every day and I had to stretch out my size small shirts to fit. It'll probably take two months or more to reach my goal weight. I would like to by my birthday, but we'll see. No more cheat days. No more carb-laden breaded chicken tenders. None of that. I've got to start over. So I've got my hand weights and I'm ready this morning. Let's get back comfortably into those size 5's. They still fit, but muffin top all over the place.
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
68,0 kg 30,8 kg 11,3 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (1 kommentti) Painonnousu 1,3 kg viikossa

03 elokuuta 2016

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
65,8 kg 33,1 kg 9,1 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   Lisää kommentti vakaa paino

27 heinäkuuta 2016

Well, I figured it was gonna be bad because we ate carb-filled Chinese the past two Sunday's, plus carb-filled Tex-Mex the past 2 Saturdays, and I haven't worked out at all in the past 3-4 weeks. 6 pounds tho? Ugh. I feel miserable. My new pants I bought when I was 139 are tight now and all I've been wearing is leggings because of it. But I refuse to be one of those statistics of people who lose all this weight on Atkins just to gain it back and then some. In two years I lost 92 (was 98) pounds, there is no way I'm letting myself go back to that. After I couldn't wear my jeans yesterday I decided to stick with my NC/cal limits. My husband even fixed the low carb chili for me. I still feel huge compared to just 2-3 weeks ago, but at least I'm on the right track. Maybe some of it is water weight from all the eating out. I hope so. Ugh. Word of advice: if you've taken all this time to lose almost 100 pounds and get within four pounds of your goal, don't think that you're invincible and can eat whatever you want and sleep in instead of exercise. Being healthy is lifelong. Not just during your diet. I've learned that the hard way.
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
65,8 kg 33,1 kg 9,1 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (4 kommenttia) Painonnousu 1,4 kg viikossa

Painohistoria - Sortafairytale

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