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15 kesäkuuta 2014

My weight is up .6 lbs, but that's no biggie. I'm still happy to be losing weight abain. We've had a very weird & busy weekend. We spent from about 7:30 Friday night til after midnight at the ER. My left eye was bothering me all day, but I just thought it had some pet dander or pollen in it, & didn't pay much attention. I looked at it briefly in my bedroom & bathroom mirrors & it looked normal to me. Then while sitting at my computer I noticed my little hand mirror & looked into it. I was shocked, the skin around my eye was all pink & puffy. Then for some reason I pulled my lower eyelid downward, & there was a little yellowish spot on it. That really made me freak out! I've had lots of skin infections, mostly because the collagen defect makes my skin extra susceptible to germs. I really wasn't looking forward to finding out what this little yellow spot was, but knew I had to. So, off we went to the ER. It's was a good thing, because the Dr said I have a "chalazion", which is a blocked gland in my eyelid. It can take up to 2 months to heal, but he says mine should only take a week or so thanks to our catching it early. I'm taking antibiotic eye drops 4 times a day, & applying hot compresses. It's a pain, but not that big of a deal, so I'm thankful. We ate junk for our Saturday morning breakfast, because no place was open except a convenience store. All day Saturday we just kind of ate what was there because we were too tired to care, so that didn't help me lose weight. Yesterday (Saturday) our daughter took us out to BBQ for Father's Day, so some extra calories there. So I'm just ignoring this week basically & will try to do better this coming week. I especially need to use my exercycle more, I'm really falling down on doing that. I hope all you Dads have an AWESOME Father's Day, & everyone else have a great weekend, hopefully involving a Dad in your life. (((HUGS)))!
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
120,7 kg 0 kg 20,9 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (2 kommenttia) Painonnousu 0,6 kg viikossa

12 kesäkuuta 2014

Ok, I've fallen down on recording my weigh-ins. This is mostly because I gained slightly & didn't want to add discouragement by reporting it. Kind of silly, but it's true. So as of last Sunday's weigh-in I weighed 265.8. Big deal, right? Well it was to me, so I've decided to resume drinking diet breakfast shakes, then light lunches, then fairly normal but still low-cal, Low-carb & healthy dinner, hoping this will help the weight to come off slightly faster than less than 1 lb a week, which is just ridiculous. I know this is cheating, but I see no other choice for me right now, just til I lose enough to have my left hip replaced. My hip is deteriorating fast. To make it worse, I saw my surgeon's PA on Tuesday & he now says I have to lose about 54 MORE lbs, down to the minimum successful BMR (I think that's the term he used)for a good chance of success with the hip replacement, considering my level of obesity, & all that jazz. On one hand I was very bummed, but on the other hand I still know that I CAN DO THIS! Plus, I will be even thinner, stronger & healthier for my hip replacement, AND I want to lose that amount & more eventually anyway. So this just makes it a bit (ok, quite a bit) harder for having to lose it before rather than after the replacement. I am so grateful that I have resolved to do this no matter what, & that I know I can do it as long as I keep trying, before they dropped this latest bombshell on my head! That's ok, I've learned over the years that Dr's (& even their assistants) are often not very reliable, are very changeable in what they tell you from one visit to the next. This is why I prefer trusting in God for my health & well-being, & I believe He is behind this new weight loss demand. So I willingly submit & will do my best to meet best to meet& hopefully exceed it. Philippians 4:13 says "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me", & I have leaned on this promise so many times in my life & found it to be a true & steady anchor when facing trials, & in all of life. Blessings to you dear FS friends, & "let us run with patience the race that is set before us" (Hebrews 12:10). (((HEALTHY HUGS))) Glammer
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
120,4 kg 0 kg 20,6 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (3 kommenttia) Painonnousu 0,1 kg viikossa

28 toukokuuta 2014

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
120,1 kg 0,1 kg 20,3 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (4 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 2,8 kg viikossa

25 toukokuuta 2014

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
121,3 kg 0 kg 21,5 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (1 kommentti) Painonpudotus 0,9 kg viikossa

18 toukokuuta 2014

Hi Everyone. I am not doing too well right now, with weight loss or otherwise. My beloved Yorkie Minnie passed away, with the 4 puppies she was carrying. She seemed fine Monday night, but on Tuesday morning was very lethargic & kept vomiting. We took her to the vet & found she had gestational hypoglycemia. Her blood sugar level was barely visible on the lab's chart. They kept her overnight to observe her give her a glucose IV. Wednesday morning they called & said she had convulsions in the night & 3 of her puppies had passed away, & she was also still very sick. The 4th puppy hadn't been born & they didn't know if it was alive. That afternoon around 3 or 4 PM they called again & said that both Minnie & the 4th puppy had passed away. We are still in shock & grieving. We picked Minnie & her puppies up at the vet's on Thursday & buried them in our yard next to our other two furbabies, Holly who died several years ago, & Mollie our Yorkie who passed away on 9-11-13, just 8 months ago. We bought 2 lovely peonies from a local grower at their annual garden show yesterday, & Hubby planted them on the graves. They are lovely & make the graves less harsh looking until I can wood burn the markers for them. I was just going to burn Mollie's marker, & now I have to make another one for Minnie. Mollie was 10 years old & in poor health, so her passing was a little easier to bear. But Minnie was barely 1 year old & we just got her in November. Our little male Yorkie General is also devastated, & keeps looking around for his Minnie. It is heartbreaking, yet somewhat comforting that they are all resting peacefully in a beautiful spot in a corner of our yard. I've only lost a few ounces which is surprising since I'm not eating as much as usual, but haven't been watching carbs or calories much either. A neighbor we talked to has a 3 yr old female Yorkie & wants to breed her once then have her spayed. We've known him for years as a customer at the gas station but didn't know he had a Yorkie. He asked if we would consider breeding our General with his little female, & I said we would if we can have the pick of the litter. He quickly agreed & gave us his phone number to arrange for General to meet his little girl dog. We were going to wait awhile before getting another dog, but this is a good opportunity & pretty amazing how it happened, so we will call him soon & see what happens from there after our doggy meet-&-greet. Prayers & good thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
122,2 kg 0 kg 22,4 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (11 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 0,1 kg viikossa

Painohistoria - GLAMMER

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