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05 huhtikuuta 2014

Hi, sorry I haven't been on here for awhile. Life just gets in the way sometimes. I have a new healthcare worker & he is trying to help me with my weight loss. He has me working with a problem solving program, basically about pinpointing our problems, prioritizing them & breaking them down into manageable chunks, so you can set practical goals for solving, or at least dealing with them effectively. It's supposed to help me with my weight loss, & with my other health issues, & the mild to moderate depression that I struggle with because of them. I've been to some pain management & problem solving /stress relief type classes before, but I can use all the help I can get right now, as the weight is not coming off easily this time, mostly due to my extremely limited mobility. The gal comes right to my house, which is one reason I agreed to try the program, since I don't have to worry about going anywhere & fitting it into hubby's work schedule, etc.
He also set me up with a dietician, but they are so booked up my 1st appt with them isn't til May 21st. This is about the time I plan to have lost the 25 lbs to have my surgery, but after that I'll till have lots of weight to lose, so it's still a good thing. Meanwhile I have my monthly weigh-ins at my Ortho's office. Had the 1st one last Friday, that's when I saw I'd only lost ,2 lbs, & didn't lose any more when I weighed here at home on Sunday. At least it's heading down, so I'm not worrying. I'll just try harder to eat right, exercise & eliminate naughty snacks, & if I'm consistent in that I know the weight will come off, even if not as quickly as I'd like. I went shopping again with my oldest DD last night. Didn't get home til after midnight, UGH! Then I had to put the month's worth of groceries away. Good exercise, LOL! DD took me to dinner as usual, to McGrath's Fish House. I ate more than I should, but was careful too. I had macadamia crusted halibut, but only had sauteed veggies on the side, & declined the starchy spuds & delicious crusty bread (ok, I did taste the bread, but just a tiny bit). I feel I did pretty well this time. I love being with her so much,laughing & having fun. I haven't weighed since Sunday & won't weigh again til this Sunday AM. Meantime I'll just keep trying to eat wisely & with moderation, & hope for good news.
Going to hop on the exercycle now. Have an AWESOME day, my friends! (( HUGS ))

20 maaliskuuta 2014

I feel I'm doing pretty well on sticking to my eating plan, & look forward to my weigh-in on SUN. I've been naughty about recording my food intake, but don't want that to become a burden, or a set-up for discouragement, so I'm not too worried. Going to start tracking it again today though, as I think it does help. Have been hurting quite a bit lately, I think due to my arthritis & the cold, damp weather we've had. 1 or 2 sunny days don't make much difference in pain level, has to stay warm for awhile to have good effect. That's why I think the weather's relation to my pain has more to do with air pressure (barometer reading) than to the temp. I've gotten about 7 hrs sleep last couple of days, but still had to take nap yesterday. I just listen to my body & do what it tells me, & go with the flow. Otherwise pain gets worse & worse, where if I nap it decreases a lot & I don't need meds as much. OK, I'm off now to record my oatmeal breakfast so I don't put it off. Have a great day everyone! <3

17 maaliskuuta 2014

I have splurged therefore I diet! I can't believe how easy it is to start piling the pounds on again. BUT, I've lost 1.2 lbs last week, even with going out to dinner with Daughter & eating lots of fattening but so yummy shrimp. So I'm happy & determined to stay on track & not get discouraged. "This too shall pass" ~ right? I missed a couple of days on my food diary, but not worrying about it. At least I've started using it & it is helping. I'm trying to eat about 300-400 cals for breakfasts & lunches, then 400-600 cals for dinner. I think these are good goals, & are pretty flexible. I usually know what I'm fixing for dinners, so I try to adjust my breakfast & lunch calories so I don't go over 1400 total. I try not to snack between meals as I find this makes it too easy for me to go over in my total calories. I have an appointment today with my sleep apnea Dr, so off to the big city we'll go in a little while. Have a great day, dear friends!
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
123,9 kg 0 kg 24,1 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (2 kommenttia) Painonnousu 0,4 kg viikossa

12 maaliskuuta 2014

First I want to say I'm enjoying connecting with others who are battling with weight loss here on FS. I plugged in the info they needed to determine my daily calorie needs, & it said I need 1900 cal's. If I ate that many cal's, I'd start gaining, not losing, because I'm very sedentary. So I try to stay under 1500 a day & that works fine for me so far, to lose 1-2 lbs per week. Has anyone else found that the daily calories they estimate on here are higher than you need to lose weight?

Here is some more about my health issues. I hope this info isn't too boring, or distressing, etc. for anyone, but I'm mostly posting these details to help myself see where I've been, where I am now, & where I need to go next.
As I've said before, I have OA in most joints due to a genetic collagen defect.
I've lived with ortho problems & being very obese nearly all my life, so I'm quite used to it. I finally found out WHY I've always been so different from others, & seemingly unable to do much about it, at least it feels better knowing my pain has a name. I now know it is called "Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome", & affects only about 1 in 50,000 people, & is very hard to get a clinical diagnosis for it, as it mostly damages cartilage & soft tissue which rarely show up on X-Rays. Also there are many "types" or categories for it, & the symptoms often overlap between the types. I was told I was type 2 or 3, but now they've found I have a couple of minor heart defects, which moved me to type 4. It's confusing I know, & scary for me, as now, besides my current left hip pain, the O A in my wrists, elbows & shoulders is getting worse limiting my mobility even more. I recently had 6 Physical Therapy sessions in the pool, & my Dr is requesting insurance approval for more. I expect my left hip replacement will happen this coming Fall-Winter, as I'll have lost the 25 lbs the Dr requires by mid-July, then he'll likely set the surgery date for about 2-3 months after my July visit. I need to get stronger in prep for that & right now I exercycle for 15 minutes a day & do a few PT exercises, & that's all I can manage right now due to the left hip pain. It is also waking me up, &/or keeping me awake at night in spite of fairly strong meds, & I often apply heated rice bags to the hip & lower back. I can do much more in the therapy pool, so hope they'll soon approve more PT.
Today I'm feeling pretty well, went with Hubby to town for some errands & to get our taxes done. Now I need to get busy recording my food data for dinner last night & breakfast & lunch today. Tracking my food is helping more than I expected, so I'll keep it up even though it's a pain in the butt, LOL. See y'all later! :)

10 maaliskuuta 2014

I'm so bummed, & disappointed in myself! I went out to eat with my daughter yesterday, & was shocked when my scale this morning said I've gained 6 lbs since last week! Its battery needs replaced, but I double checked so I think this is my true weight & that I did gain 6lbs. Waaah! But I'm not giving up. As long as we keep trying we're still succeeding, no matter what the scale says, & the weight WILL come off. I had an appointment last TUE with my Ortho Surgeon's MA Mike. He said pretty much as I expected, that I have to lose the 25 lbs I've gained since I had my right hip & knee replaced in 2012. The infections in my hip incision had me so sick, weak, hurting & tired all the time I couldn't do much of anything, & exercise was pretty much out of the question til about June or July of 2013. Since then I've been trying to behave about eating, & exercising some, but it wasn't nearly enough. Now I'm back to seriously trying, & I've also decided that starting tomorrow I will record my daily food intake & exercise. Mike set up monthly weigh-in appts at their office, & I know this will be a great incentive & a source of accountability for me, & will really help me lose the weight. My 1st weigh-in is on April 4th, about 3 weeks away. I aim to lose 6 lbs by then, & 8 to 10 more lbs by the next weigh-in on May 2nd. As I've said before, I want to lose slowly, to adjust to the changes in my eating, & my body, etc. At the rate I've stated (about 2 lbs per week), I will have lost all the weight I've gained since the surgeries & infections by my June weigh-in which isn't set up yet, but that isn't far away, & I'm excited! Soon after that I should get to see Dr. VanHorne & get the date for my left hip replacement. So, in spite of this set back, I actually have lots to look forward to. YAY! :o)

Painohistoria - GLAMMER

Hanki sovellus
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