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06 elokuuta 2017

05 elokuuta 2017

05 elokuuta 2017

05 elokuuta 2017

Good mornings friends! It's a cool 58 degree Saturday morning in my neck of the woods. The breeze feels lovely coming through my window. The air conditioner is off for a while today.

Last night I got in just over 7000 steps on my Fitbit Blaze before I took it off to get ready for bed. I know they can be worn overnight to track sleep patterns, but I'm not really concerned about having a record of how much sleep I get and my first Fitbit Flex gave me a nasty rash. I'm trying to make sure I avoid that this time by taking it off regularly. I did have problems with my sleep though. I woke up with hives! I was itching like crazy!! I got sunburned last week when we went with the family to the beach on Lake Michigan and I've been fighting hives ever since. I finally took 50mg of Benedryl and fell back to sleep. This morning the hives are almost gone again, thankfully.

My weight is down a half a pound again today. I'm so happy to see the scale start to move again. One of these days it will stall again, and I will need to remind myself to just Keep Calm and Keto On!

Make your Saturday super!

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
99,8 kg 11,3 kg 27,2 kg 100%
   Lisää kommentti Painonpudotus 1,6 kg viikossa

04 elokuuta 2017

Happy Friday!

I have a busy weekend planned, as always. GoodMan is home from his trip with the grandsons and we have a big cleaning day planned because we will have a missionary gentleman and his teenage son staying with us tonight. I spent the week washing all the bedding from the 6 guest rooms after last week's Family Camp so I have piles of sheets, pillowcases, and comforters that need to be put back on beds. We also have granddaughter#1, her boyfriend, and their son (great grandson#1) coming over today. He (the boyfriend) is good with small engines and we have a few go-karts in need of repair (always). He lost his job last week, so we are giving him some work so he can make a few $.

Saturday should be uneventful, just work around the house. I'll make a big breakfast for our missionary friends before they head out for a trip to Michigan's U.P. I hope to get some time in on my elliptical sometime today or tomorrow. I just got a new Fitbit Blaze and it is supposed to record elliptical workouts. None of the other fitness trackers I've ever used would work on the elliptical - so I'm excited to test it out.

Sunday we plan to go to the first service at church and then head down state to visit relatives. First will be my 90 year-old mom, and then later my older sister is having a "Senior Prom" at her home. She hired a band and everything! Her husband passed away in November. His 75th birthday would have been today. She thought a party with dancing would be a good way to commemorate his birthday because they were very fond of dancing. My sister and I could not be more opposite. I can't imagine having a big party after GoodMan is gone...but as much as I know I couldn't do it, I also know this is what works for her to process her grief. So I will be there to support her (along with many of her friends). Afterward, GoodMan and I will make the 3 hour drive back home.

Whew! I'm tired just thinking of the coming weekend!

Make your weekend wonderful!

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
100,0 kg 11,1 kg 27,4 kg 100%
   (6 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 0,8 kg viikossa

Painohistoria - Hipaagrammy

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